range information

Creating a safe and fun environment


Our top-notch range boasts eight 25-yard shooting lanes, with one being ADA-compliant. Our range confidently accepts the following firearms:

Handguns: All calibers.

Rifles: All rimfire, and most non-magnum centerfire up to 30-06*.

Shotguns: All slugs and 00 buckshot.

*Certain restrictions may apply, as the management reserves the right to make the final decision."


You must be 21 years of age with a valid form of identification to rent firearms, purchase ammunition and use the range unsupervised. Long gun shooters under 18 years of age and handgun shooters under 21 years of age must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian while in the range. 

  1. Ten years old is the minimum age to utilize the range under supervision of a legal guardian. Ages 10 - 15 are required to complete the Ballistic Beginners Course or provide proof of Hunter Safety course completion. 

  2. Anyone with alcohol on their breath or who appears to be impaired in any way (including impairment from prescription or over-the-counter drugs) will not be permitted in the range.  The decision as to whether a shooter is impaired will be made at the Range Officer’s SOLE DISCRETION and may not be challenged. The use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law, regardless of the fact that it has been decriminalized in the state of California.  Anyone that an employee of Ballistic Precision Inc. believes has used marijuana recently will not be allowed out on the range, and will not be permitted to handle firearms. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  3. No loaded firearms are to enter or exit the building.  Loaded firearms are permitted at the firing line only. Only authorized personnel may be armed while in the retail portion of the range.  Excluding active law enforcement and CCW holders with a current permit.  

  4. Pregnant/nursing women are not allowed in the range due to possible exposure to lead.

  5. A maximum of two shooters are allowed per lane. No spectators are allowed in the shooting bay. 

  6. Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times while on the range.

  7. Keep your fingers off the trigger until you are on the firing line, ready to shoot.

  8. Do not place a firearm on the bench unless all actions are open and ejection ports are visible, unloaded with chamber flag in place.  If you have a jammed or malfunctioning firearm, place your firearm on the bench with the muzzle pointing down range and ask range personnel for assistance.  NEVER leave the firing line with a loaded or jammed firearm. 

  9. Loaded firearms may not be handed from one person to another.

  10. All firearms and ammo must remain at fire line. 

  11. Be sure your firearm is safe to operate and know how to use it safely. 

  12. No one is permitted forward of the firing line at any time FOR ANY REASON.

  13. Ballistic Precision Inc. is a tobacco-free environment.

  14. Food and drinks are not allowed in the range.

  15. No kneeling or prone shooting allowed.

  16. Only fire at your target.

  17. Know your target and what is beyond.

  18. All centerfire rifles are prohibited from taking headshots.

  19. Shooting at anything other than your target is prohibited and will subject you to removal from the range.

  20. Only regulation paper targets may be used in the range. We retain the right to prohibit any targets we deem to be offensive.

  21. Use the appropriate size target placed at eye level to ensure that your shot strikes the backstop and not the floor, ceiling or target carrier

  22. Tracer, armor piercing, steel (case or projectile) and military surplus ammunition are not allowed on the range.

  23. Shotgun ammo is limited to 00 buck and slugs.

  24. Proposition 63 will still authorize people to sell or share ammunition with their spouses, domestic partners, parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren without going through a licensed vendor.  It will also authorize people to freely share (but not sell) ammunition in person with friends and shooting partners, unless they have reason to believe that the ammunition would be illegally provided to a criminal or illegal user.  

  25. Proposition 63 will also allow people to buy ammunition at a shooting range without undergoing a background check and without a sale record as long as they keep that ammunition inside the facility; if  they want to bring ammunition to or from the facility, they could bring their own ammunition from home or undergo a background check at the shooting range. 

  26. No drawing from a holster UNLESS you are participating in a firearms training course which requires such firing sequences.

  27. When you are finished shooting, keep the action open, place your unloaded firearm in its case and proceed to the checkout area.  

  28. Always wash your hands and face immediately upon leaving the range.

  29. No open tow shoes are allowed.

  30. You must comply with directs from range staff.

All shooters are expected to know, adhere to and help enforce Ballistic Precision Inc.’s safety rules and regulations.  If you observe a violation of the range rules, please bring it to the attention of any staff member and we will take corrective action. It is our goal to maintain a safe environment for the enjoyment of our members and customers.  Blatant disregard for range rules and/or intentional damage to property will be grounds for automatic removal from the range without a refund and will not be allowed back at our facility. Members will forfeit their membership fees and will not be refunded.